Patents, awards and publications
Projects created in cooperation with scientific units led to the creation of inventions covered by patent protection and appreciated at industrial fairs.
The law in force:
Application number: P.421216, Filing date: 06.04.2017, Exclusive right number: Pat.234168 Title: Test stand for testing the properties of liquid magnesium and its alloys in contact with refractory bases
Application number: P.420392, Filing date: 03.02.2017, Exclusive right number: Pat.232633 Title: Reactor for spectroscopic tests
Application number: P.417862, Filing date: 06.07.2016, Exclusive right number: Pat.229635 Title: Electromagnet unit for generation of magnetic field
Application number: P.408159, Filing date: 09.05.2014, Exclusive right number: Pat.225228 Title: Stand for high temperature tests on the interaction between molten metals and alloys with the refractory substrates in isothermic and non-isothermal conditions
Application number: P.397288, Filing date: 08.12.2011, Exclusive right number: Pat.220161 Title: Method for simultaneous removal of NO and carbon particles and inorganic particulates from the exhaust gases and a catalytic reactor for the removal of NO and carbon particles and inorganic particulates from the exhaust gases
Pending proceedings:
Application number: P.428617, Filing date: 21.01.2019, Title: Continuous supersonic molecular beam source module
Application number: P.419598, Filing date: 25.11.2016, Title: Pulsed source of supersonic molecular beam and method for feeding the pulsed source of supersonic molecular beam with carrier gas
2021 GOLD MEDAL of the Poznań International Fair for “Mobile system for testing the properties of liquid metals, alloys, glasses, slags, and other substances in a wide range of melting temperatures” – designed and manufactured by the Faculty of Foundry of the AGH University of Science and Technology, MeasLine Ltd, and the Aleksander Krupkowski Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Polish Academy of Sciences; Science for the Economy INNOVATIONS-TECHNOLOGIES-MACHINES

04.2019 GOLD MEDAL – Consumers’ Choice – Poznań International Fair for “High-temperature stand for testing the properties of liquid magnesium and its alloys in contact with refractory materials” – designed and manufactured by the Foundry Institute in Kraków and MeasLine Ltd, Science for the Economy INNOVATIONS-TECHNOLOGIES-MACHINES
2018 GOLD MEDAL of the Poznań International Fair for “High-temperature test stand for testing the properties of liquid magnesium and its alloys in contact with refractory materials” – designed and manufactured by the Foundry Institute in Kraków and MeasLine Ltd, Science for the Economy INNOVATIONS-TECHNOLOGIES-MACHINES
2009 r. Diploma of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for N. Sobczak, R. Nowak, W. Radziwiłł, A. Glenz, J. Budzioch for “Apparatus set for testing the properties of liquid metals at high temperature” – Warsaw
11.2008 r. Bronze Medal at the Brussels-Eureka International Innovation Fair for the development „Experimental complex for investigation of high temperature properties of molten metals and alloys” (N. Sobczak, R. Nowak, W. Radziwiłł, A. Glenz, J. Budzioch) – Bruksela
04.2008 r. Silver Medal at the World Fair of Inventions (Geneva) for the development Complexe experimental d’investigation des propertes a haute temperature des metaux (N. Sobczak, R. Nowak, W. Radziwiłł, A. Glenz, J. Budzioch)
12.2007 r. Main prize received in the “Product of the Future” category in the 11th edition of the “Polish Product of the Future” competition under the honorary patronage of the Prime Minister – Warsaw – (N.Sobczak, R. Nowak, W. Radziwiłł, A. Glenz, J. Budzioch)
- Kudyba A., Sobczak N., Budzioch J., Polkowski W., Giuranno D., Improvements in experimental investigation of molten Mg-based materials, Materials and Design, (2018), 160, 915-917, ISSN 0264-1275. (35 p., A)
- Szymon Godlewski, Jakub S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, Janusz Budzioch, Lukasz Walczak, Irena G. Stará, Ivo Starý, Petr Sehnal, Marek Szymonski, Anthrahelicene on TiO2 surfaces, Surface Science 11/2012; 606(s 21–22):1600–1607.
- Wojtaszek M., Kolmer M., Godlewski S., Budzioch J., Such B., Krok F., Szymonski M., Multi-probe characterization of 1D and 2D nanostructures assembled on Ge(001) surface by gold atom deposition and annealing in the Springer series on Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machine. „Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines”, Editor: Christian Joachim (2012)
- Goryl M., Budzioch J., Krok F., Wojtaszek M., Kolmer M., Walczak L., Konior J., Gnecco E., Szymonski M., Probing atomic-scale friction on reconstructed surfaces of single-crystal semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 85, 085308 (2012)
- Szymon Godlewski, Antoni Tekiel, Jakub S. Prauzner-Bechcicki,Janusz Budzioch, Andre Gourdon, Marek Szymonski,Adsorption of organic molecules on the TiO(2)(011) surface: STM study, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 134(22), 224701 (2011)
- Pascal Steiner, Enrico Gnecco, Franciszek Krok, Janusz Budzioch, Lukasz Walczak, Jerzy Konior, Marek Szymonski, Ernst Meyer, Atomic-Scale Friction on Stepped Surfaces of Ionic Crystals, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 106(18), 186104 (2011)
- Filip Zasada, Witold Piskorz, Szymon Godlewski, Jakub S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, Antoni Tekiel, Janusz Budzioch, Piotr Cyganik, Marek Szymonski, Zbigniew Sojka, Chemical Functionalization of the TiO(2)(110)-(1 x 1) Surface by Deposition of Terephthalic Acid Molecules. A Density Functional Theory and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 115(10), 4134-4144 (2011)
- J. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, S. Godlewski, J. Budzioch, G. Goryl, L. Walczak, P. Sehnal, I. G. Stará, I. Starý, F. Ample, Ch. Joachim, M. Szymonski, [11]anthrahelicene on InSb(001) c(8×2): A low temperature scanning probe microscopy study, ChemPhysChem 11, 3522 (2010)
- S. Godlewski, A. Tekiel, J. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, J. Budzioch, M. Szymonski, Controlled reorientation of CuPc molecules in ordered structures assembled on the TiO2(011)-(2×1) surface, ChemPhysChem 11, 1863 (2010),
- S. Godlewski, A. Tekiel, J. Budzioch, A. Gourdon, J. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, M. Szymonski, Assembling of large organic molecules on clean and hydroxylated rutile TiO2(110) surfaces, ChemPhysChem 10, 3278 (2009),
- J. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, S. Godlewski, A. Tekiel, P. Cyganik,J. Budzioch and M. Szymonski, High resolution STM studies of Terephthalic Acid Molecules on Rutile TiO2(110) Surfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 9309 (2009),
- A. Tekiel, J. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, S. Godlewski, J. Budziochand M. Szymonski, Self-assembly of terephthalic acid on rutile TiO2(110): towards chemically functionalized metal oxide surface, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 12606 (2008) – Letter,
- Tekiel A, Godlewski S, Budzioch J, Szymonski M,Nanofabrication of PTCDA molecular chains on rutile TiO2(011)-(2 x 1) surfaces, NANOTECHNOLOGY 19, 495304 (2008)
- N. Sobczak, R. Nowak, W. Radziwill, J. Budzioch, A. Glenz,Experimental Complex for Investigations of High-Temperature Behaviour of Molten Metals in Contact with Refractory Materials, Materials Science and Engineering, A495, 2008, pp. 43-49.
- Henryk Jankowski, Tadeusz Pisarkiewicz, Cezary Worek, Michał Warzecha, Janusz Budzioch, Zbigniew Pindel,PRÓŻNIOWA SELENIZACJA WARSTW Cu-In-Se DO ZASTOSOWAŃ FOTOWOLTAICZNYCH, Konferencja , Korbielów’2002, Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej, Elektronika, zeszyt 143, 143-147s, 2002.
- J Budzioch, A Jezierski, V Ivanov, B Penc and A Szytula, Transport and electronic properties of DyRu2Si2 and ErRu2Si2 compounds, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter11 8069 (1999)
- L.Gabła, W.Soszka, J.Budzioch, S.Kwasny, Emission of excited atoms from solid argon under ion bombardment, Physics Letters A 187 (1994)
- W.Soszka, J.Budzioch, S.Kwaśny and M.,Soszka,Backscattering of Low Energy Ions from a Gold Surface Covered Krypton, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 51 (1990)
- W.Soszka, S.Kwaśny, J.Budzioch and M.Soszka, Behaviour of the Xenon Atoms an the Cold Metal Target Studied by Ion Reflection and Ion-Electron Emission Methods, Physics Letters B 51 (1990)
- W.Soszka, S.Kwasny, J.Budzioch and M.Soszka, Ion-Electron Emission from the Cold Metal Target Covered by Xenon, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 1(1988) 79
- J.Budzioch, M.Soszka and W.Soszka, Ion Reflection Analysis of the Surface Topography Induced b Ion Bombardment of Hot Metal Target, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. B33 (1988)
- J.Budzioch and .W.Soszka, Surface Texture Induced by Ion Bombardment, Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, Wrocław 1025 (1988) 79
- J.Budzioch and W.Soszka, Surface Texture Induced by Heavy Ion Bombardment, Ion Reflection Analysis, Materials Science and Engineering, 90(1987) 51.
- J.Budzioch, M.Soszka and W.Soszka, Effect of Violent Collisions In Ion-Electron Emission, Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research, B14 (1985) 530.