Magnetron system for coating deposition MCS 787
The Magnetron system for coating deposition is a device for sample surface metalization or depositing thin non-metallic layers using the ion sputtering method. The device is also equipped with a tool that allows the sample carrier to be transferred to the magnetron chamber using linear transfer.
The most significant device features:
- Designed for layers deposition by magnetron sputtering, using the PVD physical vapor deposition technique
- Deposition chamber enabling the attachment of up to four magnetron sources
- The thickness of the applied layers is controlled by a quartz crystal microbalance measurement. A microbalance consists of a quartz head and a control system that ensures repeatability of layer thickness with an accuracy of part of the monolayer.
- Rotary table with continuous rotation of the sample carrier during deposition from the target to ensure uniform layer thickness over the entire sample surface
- Sample temperature controlled and stabilized in the range from room temperature to 400°C
Magnetron sources are placed at the bottom of the chamber, equipped with ports enabling a gas supply directly above the target
Transferring the sample carrier from the loading chamber to the magnetron chamber using linear transfer
- Possibility of developing the system with a container for transferring samples in shielding gas between the loading chamber and the glove box
The use of a loading chamber (lock) ensures small pressure fluctuations in the deposition chamber
- system equipped with 4 shutters adapted to magnetrons and one sample shutter
The sample holder allows the mask mounting to 50x50mm substrates, allowing the use of smaller substrates
Source of the deposited material |
Up to four magnetron sources Designed for 1″ targets |
Magnetron power supply |
DC type for metallic targets magnetrons adapted to RF power supplies for non-conductive targets |
Layer thickness control | quartz crystal microbalance |
Temperatura próbek | od temperatury pokojowej do 400°C |
Time to obtain vacuum |
10ˉ⁶ mbar within 2 hours of airing the chamber |
Pump system |
turbomolecular with a pumping rate >250 l/s dry primary pump with a pumping speed of not less than 5 m³/h |
Vacuum measurement |
Two Pirani vacuum heads for measuring the initial vacuum Penning or Bayard-Alpert vacuum head in the range of 10ˉ² mbar – 10ˉ⁹ mbar |
See also other thin-layer deposition systems:
Compact sputtering system LPNW01 for thermal deposition of thin layers
PVDS 700 Coating deposition system for layer deposition with the PVD technique
Compact sputtering system for surface metallization with the possibility of thermal and magnetron deposition of layers.